Amazon Web Services™ are available in several regions. Click the button below to estimate the latency from your browser to each AWS™ region. This tool loads the status page of the DynamoDb service at the respective regions. As a result the latency displayed is dependenet on the response time of requested DynamoDb service.
Only interested in some regions? Try AWS Ping Nato which is limited to regions in North America and Europe
Region | Latency |
US-East (Virginia) | |
US-East (Ohio) | |
US-West (California) | |
US-West (Oregon) | |
Canada (Central) | |
Europe (Ireland) | |
Europe (London) | |
Europe (Frankfurt) | |
Europe (Milan) | |
Europe (Paris) | |
Europe (Stockholm) | |
Mid East (Bahrain) | |
Africa (Cape Town) | |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | |
South America (São Paulo) | |
China (Beijing) | |